Monday, December 1, 2008

I did it.... I MADE DINNER!!

Soooo some of you might not know but I might possibly be the worst cook ever.  I moved into a new condo in March and it took me MONTHS before I even turned on my stove.  I don't know what stresses me out most about cooking.  It might be all the ingredients, the chance it might taste horrible or that I could start myself on fire but something changed on this monday night.  I actually did it I found a recipe, went and got all the ingredients and cook myself dinner.  I started one of my New Years resolutions early!! :-)  Tonight I cooked......Cheesy Chicken and Salsa Skillet.  I know that the honest truth is that it is not very exciting but it is a monday night and I sure am proud of myself. Here's what it looked like.....

Hmmmm What could be next???
Watch out Betty!


Dana said...

So proud of you :~)

Kristin said...

The first of many great dinners by Meg!

Julie Kiefer said...

And, she cooks? What a woman!! :)
