Sunday, January 11, 2009

Me in 365

So I have yet another New Years resolution, all due to my friend Jenny.  At work Jenny was talking about this group she wanted all of us to join called "You in 365".  So the goal is to take a picture of yourself once a day but of course there are a few quick rules....
1. It must be a SELF portrait
2. You must be in the photo in some way
3. The photo must be taken on the actual day
4. You don't have to post everyday
5. It may be edited
So I thought it was weird at first and it is definitely still strange to have to remember to take a picture of myself, but I think that when it is all done it will be amazing to look at how much I change in one year.  This little project is making me more aware of the beauty in all the amazing things I do daily.  Hopefully it will be interesting, if not I can always deleted all the pictures, hahaha.  So if your interested in seeing the photos here is the link.....
Also I challenge everyone to join the group and to try to take 365 pictures, it is never to late.

Thanks Jen, another amazing idea.  (You're sooo creative)
