Sunday, February 22, 2009

Megan needs...

So I saw this on Jen's Blog and I thought it was kind of funny and cute, so I thought why not....

So here's how it works. You Google your first name plus the word 'needs' and post the first ten on the list. For example, I typed "Megan needs" and this is what I got:

1. The only thing that Megan needs help with at this point is in the area of responsiveness.
2. Megan needs an ass kicking, now!
3. Megan needs to get Sarah’s contact information from Glenda. Megan needs a makeover.
4. Megan needs a very quiet home in a place with few or no thunder storms and lots of sunshine.
5. Megan needs to learn how to cultivate good customers.
6. Megan needs a summer intern.
7. Megan needs a dress rehearsal.
8. Megan needs a theme song.
9. Megan needs a Vegan coach.
10. Megan needs daily around the clock care.

Lolol these are hilarious, interesting and some are a little harsh.


Dana said...

Apparently there is someone named Dana Needs on facebook.

Megan Mann said...

I love that your did it... you little undercover blogger you!
