Monday, March 30, 2009

Allow me to introduce...

Fourth Ninja to introduce:
where do you live?
Phoenix, AZ

how do you know MB?
Good ol' SARRC

what is your favorite color?
Green and Blue

what is your favorite thing to cook?

what beauty product can you not live without?
My toothbrush, is that considered a beauty product?

what is your favorite restaurant?
Umm Spaghetti Factory I guess

what is one thing you can't help but splurge on?
Anything from Target or American Eagle

what is your favorite word?

what movie can you recite by heart?
Bedknobs and Broomsticks

what is your favorite thing to do on the weekend?

which TV show makes you happiest?
Kansas basketball games

what is your favorite beverage?
Water on the rocks

if you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would you choose?
Michelle Obama

what is your favorite comfort food?
Chocolate Chips

what famous person do you think you most resemble?
Jennifer Aniston

what is your favorite adventure that we've shared?
We're going to need to step this up.  I am going to have to go with the Insight Bowl or seeing you run the half marathon
what was the best piece of advice you were ever given? who gave it to you?
Perception is reality, from a mentor at camp

what three possessions do you value most?
Allen Fieldhouse court piece, my sapphire ring and earrings (they go together), and my computer, mostly because it has all my pictures on it

what three non-material things do you value most?
My schooling, my family and health (I don't know how to answer this question...)

when was the last time you told someone you loved them? who was it?
Brian, maybe 10 minutes ago

what are you going to do next?
Eat dinner. Yum.

***Thanks Dana, You're the best!!***Megs

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