Monday, August 3, 2009

Vacations are finally over :-(

So as some of you might have heard, seen or know I have been in and out of Phoenix every weekend and finally all my planned vacations are over. As I finally got on the plane home from Minnesota, I sat down to think about everything I have been grateful for in the last month or two. While I was sad to leave Minnesota, I am excited; busy and nervous for what Phoenix has in store for me this year.

I had the most amazing time in Minnesota. I was reminded all about how I love the summers there. Where you can roll down the windows anytime of day and feel the breeze (not to hot or too cold). I was reminded once again ALL about the "Minnesota Nice". I am grateful for all my friends that took me in now that I don't have a home. From lunches with lifetime neighbors, trips to the airport, movies and ice cream with friends, caribou and all the wedding bliss in between. I am lucky that even after 5 years I am able to have amazing friends and family in both Minnesota, Arizona and even a few in Montana.

As I sat on the plane laughing at the cute old man next to me, I began to start to drift down to reality. I had to realize that tomorrow once again work starts, my oil needs to be changed, car washed, groceries bought and prescriptions to be picked up. I wrote down my extensive to do list and then felt completely overwhelmed.

Instead of freaking out, I put on the ipod headphones and thought about the next few weeks/months. (Hints the updated country music on the blog) My mind was filling with all the stuff to be done but also all the new things at work. We are starting school in exactly one week and I can't wait to start the new classroom with all the families. I have become excited and nervous just thinking about what lies ahead this fall. I need to constantly remind myself that I need to quit planning and start living in the moment.

After I got off the plane little did I know that Phoenix wanted to welcome me home in a big way...... I broke my phone and lost my luggage all within an hour of being home. Oh wait..... I just got a call from NWA that my bag is on the way to my house yea!!!!! Only 24 hours later!!! :-) Laundry time! Off to work on that to do list.


Julie Kiefer said...

Welcome Home, Megs! I saw I missed a call from you...was this before your phone broke?

Megan Mann said...

It definitely was.... but it is back in action so we should get together soon. Before the maddness beginss.......
