Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring Cleaning

So I finally got motivated today. After a little shopping for some new spring wardrobe items, I finally went through my closet. Since I've been going to pilates every other day for awhile my clothes are not exactly fitting like they use too. Due to adding muscle and losing fat, some are tighter and some have a little room. So my mom and I took matters into our own hands and finally found some adorable shorts and jeans that fit!
Ahhh there is nothing better than being comfortable and confident in your own clothes. After an hour of sorting and two large garbage bags later, I am ready for the switch and ditch party.

My friend Gill and I are having a fantastic party with some girlfriends this April. We are all getting together with some fabulous food, drinks and 5-10 gently used items that we want to give away, don't fit, etc. We plan on shopping within our friends clothes and whatever doesn't get taken will be donated to charity. Needless to say I have plenty of options and can't wait to see what I might be able to trade for, I will let you know how things go. For now I am off to do laundry and get ready for Monday.

***Hopefully next weekend Sam and I can tackle the next BIG challenge and take on the SPRING CLEAN!! We will see.....

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