Sunday, August 8, 2010

Summer Fun

As I lay in bed on my last night of summer :-( I look back on the lack of pictures but lots of fun memories. School starts tomorrow bright and early and I can barely believe the summer is over... it was filled with lots of trips, movies, relaxation, books, summer classes, dog park visits and so much more. Here are some things that I can't get enough of and wish I just had more time to enjoy.....
Netflix: (I don't know why I didn't jump on the bandwagon earlier) Kyle and I (and the new roommate Sam) have enjoyed numerous movies both in the mail and instantly through the wii.
My Kindle: I have actually been able to read a few pleasure books in between hours and hours of reading for school, and I was even able to upload one of my textbooks to my Kindle, crazy technology.
Family time: both with my family, Kyle's family and the new fiances on both sides, congrats Ali and Nicholas :-)
Golfing: Yep Dad, you don't need to go get your glasses to re-read this post, I said I actually enjoyed golfing with or without an extra ball in my hand.
Sunshine: enough said!

Looking forward to these events for the month....
Dave's wedding next weekend :-)
Amy's wedding on Labor day weekend :-)
Seeing Mare to spread love and prayers!
Staying with Tory and Lynetter for Kyle's first visit to Minnesota should be fun and I promise I'll take more pictures!

Here's a few pictures from the past few months....
Tibb's going away party
Kyle, Goose and I swimming at my parents place
A Diamondback's game with some friends :-)
Dinner at Zipps for Carole's (Kyle's Mom) Birthday

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