Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Who knew after doing nothing but work, eat, sleep.... 9pm rolls around and I am exhausted. Life has been a world wind. After an amazing trip home, I have had a little switch of a schedule. Kyle is working all the time, which leaves Lucy and I up to no good. Lucy has currently decided that she isn't potty trained anymore (I am hoping the reason is because she is never locked up with the opposite schedules). Kyle and I were able to get away for the weekend at my parents house which was full of relaxing and swimming with Lucy in the pool. Sunday Lucy had her first puppy class, which was extremely fascinating. Who knew you could learn soooo much from the Petsmart trainer (and it definitely made me realize Luc is a pretty good pup). After Sunday Kyle switched his schedule yet again... and now he is working nights. So this week contains lots of snuggles with Lucy, a good book or even falling asleep to my latest DVR show. Ahhh quite the life. Is it Friday yet??

Weekend Plans
-Dinner with the entire fam one last time in AZ
-Watching the World Cup with friends and laying by the pool
(maybe some cleaning and organizing, getting ready for the roommate to move in next weekend)
-And last but certainly not least, Doggie School

Well off to read....any book suggestions....Nothing has been able to hold my attention lately

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