Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hats Off

After reading my somewhat pathetic but cute post (as seen below) I got thinking about people who really are inspiring. People who go weeks, days, months without seeing their significant others. Currently I have two girlfriends who have husbands that are deployed and these woman are inspiring. How they are able to keep it together while being supportive of their husbands just wows me!!! LeeAnne and Christy are some of the strongest, smartest, sweetest, kindest, caring, giving, thoughtful, creative and loving people I know. (when I grow up I want to be like them) :-) Love you two, just wanted you to know how fantastic you really are!!!
Here are some amazing pictures of LeeAnne and Thomas that my friend Jenny took....gorgeous
(oh yeah and their dog buddy)
Here are some pictures of Christy and Esteven enjoying some time together while he is home on leave for two weekends, Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!!!
Love you both mucho!

1 comment:

Christy said...

I love it! Best of luck to LeeAnne too! I love you Bails that was a very nice thing to read and I look up to you more than you know too! Miss you lady!
