Thursday, November 4, 2010

Something Different

This week has been a little different. I am house/babysitting a 17 and two 15 year olds (And no I did not make them play mall madness for hours on end like I once did for a babysitter). I have spent hours sitting inside a house (that is not mine) bored out of my mind. Today is my last day so we are going out for a fun dinner. I have missed Kyle and Lucy like crazy. It has been hard to be by myself and know that I am stuck here. I found myself doing homework that isn't due for another week, working out and sometimes even reading books for pleasure. Yesterday I spent the entire day counting down the hours and minutes until I got to go to dinner with Kyle (kind of like when we first started dating). So as the time drew closer and closer, I got ready and might have been speeding to see Lucy and Kyle when Kyle called to say he was home from work. We decided to go get dinner and come home and watch our (more Kyle's than mine)favorite show with Lucy. After many laughs in the drive through at Sonic we headed home with our greasy food and just relaxed and ate. After a short hour I headed back to house/babysitting...... and I found myself in the best mood driving home. I don't know if it was..
...the good greasy food
...seeing crazy goose
...hanging out with Kyle
...or a good episode of survivor...

maybe it was the mix of all four, all in all a Happy Wednesday!

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