The Whole30 community has created a timeline for the 30 days. I planned to compare and contrast to see if I felt the same way. Since life is busy and I couldn't do this in the moment, I am using my food diary to compare after the fact. Pretty interesting to do...
Day 1: What's the big deal?
After Day 1, I definitely matched the timeline. This seems to be manageable, just might take a little more planning than I am use too.
Day 2 and 3: The Hangover
During these two days, I craved sugar. I had to retrain my brain not to think about sweets. That should've be simple enough right? Being a behavior analyst and all :-) hahaha
Day 4 and 5: Kill ALL things
All I can say is poor Tommy, for having to deal with me during these days, hell though the whole thing. Nothing seems to go my way. We may or may not have had an in depth discussion about having better communication Day 5. I blame the food challenge :-) Better communication on my part might have been, "hey I am miserable leave me alone".
Love you babe.
Day 6 and 7: I want a nap
Today my food diary read, "I am so tired". I guess we are right on track
Let's see what week two has in store
#whole30 strong