Saturday, March 28, 2009

This would only happen to me...

Let me just start by saying that the moral of this story is not that I lost my mailbox keys again (because I lose everything) no, no, no!!  It is more important, what happen after I lost my keys (despite what my mama says). Just trust me.....

So I am driving home from my home visit yesterday, just cruising down 51 when I think I should try to run a few errands and get some things done since I am home before 5.  So I make plans to run to target, pick up prescriptions, get gas and then call the locksmith because I lost my keys a few weeks ago and I am sure my mail is out of control.  So I call the locksmith and they are planning on coming at 5. (which is perfect because that is just enough time before I meet the SARRCie's for dinner)

Jess and I headed to meet the locksmith at the mailboxes because I am scared to go by myself and this guy comes to fix the box...... so 10 minutes pass by and it is obvious that he is struggling, it looks to be a tricky lock.  He then proceeds to go to his car and get he's super cutter, they looked something like this.......
When he comes back I am sure that Jess and I had concerned/worried faces because I was a little nervous to see what he was going to do next.  A few more minutes pass and before I know it he is holding the super cutters with my mailbox door in pieces in his hand.  Needless to say I no longer have a mail box, it is more of a open mail slot.  The door is ripped off and laying in pieces on my counter top. 
So the moral of the story is don't send me anything and maybe......don't lose your keys.

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